Which Type Of Lead Magnet May Be Best For You To Create?
Which Type Of Lead Magnet May Be Best For You To Create?
Question 1 of 15.
Have you gathered some leads?
1. Yes
2. No
Question 2 of 15.
How long has list building been on your to do list?
1. Just now
2. Weeks
3. Months
4. A year or more
Question 3 of 15.
What are you leading people towards?
1. High ticket
2. Low ticket
3. Membership
4. Group coaching
Question 4 of 15.
What do your clients want?
1. Transformation
2. Quick tips
3. Education
4. Checklist
5. To know if they can trust you
Question 5 of 15.
What’s your lead funnel goal?
1. Launch
2. Build big list
3. Gather info & segment
4. Qualify leads
5. Educate develop awareness about my product
6. Draw in to nurture
7. Leverage connections
Question 6 of 15.
Which resonates with you most?
1. I need to get a quick help put out to gather as many leads as possible
2. I only want to deal with really qualified leads
3. I want to build my list fast and want to leverage other people’s audiences and knowledge
4. I want to educate my audience and help them get to know me (see what I offer/how i teach)
5. I want to present my high ticket offer
6. I want to segment my audience and gather information about them
Question 7 of 15.
What type of person are you wanting to attract?
1. Option 1
Question 8 of 15.
How do they usually like to learn information or be educated?
1. Option 1
Question 9 of 15.
What sort of information do you want to offer?
1. Factual
2. Inspirational
3. Assessment
4. Teaching
5. Self discovery
6. Practical
7. Transformative
Question 10 of 15.
What’s your top business value?
1. Community
2. Action
3. Generosity
4. Speed
5. Serving
6. Simplicity
7. Uniqueness
8. Excellence
9. Discovery
Question 11 of 15.
How much time do you have to invest in the Lead Magnet creation?
1. Very little
2. A reasonable amount
3. I have help
4. I’ll hire it out
5. Plenty of time as I want it to be valuable
Question 12 of 15.
What level of value exchange is your client looking for?
1. Just a little help
2. An interest in self discovery
3. Lots of value for DIY
Question 13 of 15.
How much time will your ideal audience generally spend consuming information?
1. Lots of little bits
2. 5 minutes
3. 30-45 minutes
4. A day
5. Hungry for as much as they can get
Question 14 of 15.
Do you want to teach or just provide tools?
1. Teach
2. Provide tools
Question 15 of 15.
How do you solve your clients problems?
1. Providing tools
2. Helping them shift perspectives
3. Teaching ideology/framework
4. Coaching
Please attempt all questions
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