Marketing Your Business Online
Is much more than a beautiful website
Create A streamlined ROADMAP
that will grow your business.

A well researched strategy
Clear messaging & design
Business Growth
I NEED LEADS (Like Yesterday)!
"Lead 'Em Right In" with a Fully Automated Lead Funnel Built in a Day
take Me on "The Full Adventure"!
A Foundational Online Presence: Website, Opt-in, Blog and Course Area
Launch your online presence efficiently with VIP Services
With a BIG PICTURE Vision in Mind,
you just want to "GET IT DONE"!
(done well by someone who cares).
We can guide you to:
Get Clear
Create a detailed map for your customer journey. The steps that give greater clarity & confidence for the adventure ahead.
Launch Faster
"Unload" the weight of the design, copy and tech so you can focus on building your business and launch faster.
Impact Sooner
Start transforming lives in the way only you can. Serve your people so they can move toward their own impact.
In case you are wondering ...
Our VIP Services Are:
Customized, Focused and Efficient
"Blaze Your Trail" Marketing Intensive to clearly map your customer journey
so you know exactly where you are going and what you need
Get your funnel or website launched quickly (in a day or up to a week for larger projects)
while you focus on revenue generating tasks which move your business forward.
— Strategy • Copy • Content • Design • Build • Implement —
Keep Running Towards Your Vision
Do what you are gifted to do instead of getting sucked into the DIY chasms that threaten to swallow your dreams.
Generate Leads
Make Offers
Business Growth
Need leads?
Get Your Fully Automated Lead Funnel Built In A Day
Get a fully automated system to
Capture qualified leadsÂ
Attract the right people into your journey
and enjoy your business adventure

The unchartered wandering and pieced together systems aren't working.
Am I right?!
It's frustrating! Your progress is hindered because of the energy drain of doing things you don't enjoy or know enough about.

Your online business adventure has begun ...
You have BIG DREAMS of the impact you'd like to make
You even have ideas on how to reach your goal!
But you are struggling to get there because ... you cannot find the BEST (OR FASTEST) ROUTE.
The path forward may be covered in weeds.
The tech wilderness is feeling overwhelming.
The next step to take is a little rocky.
It's OK! We're here to take you by the hand!
Get clear on
- who you REALLY want to help
- what your true message is
- the exact problem you need to solve
- the offer your ideal clients are looking for
- the tools you need to use

Binge learning in areas you don't NEED for your EXPERTISE
wastes valuable time, (NOTE: lost time means lost money),
Have you experienced this? Just when you think you have something covered,
there's ANOTHER NEW THING TO LEARN, right around the corner!
You know what you could achieve!
If you weren't bogged down!
Believe Me!
You are Not The Only One!
I wasted too many years trying to DIY & make it work on my own.
Now I see talented, ambitious entrepreneurs doing the same, ALL THE TIME!
It's NOT worth it!

What's holding you back from taking great strides?
Let's Flip This!
- What to offer
- Who to speak to
- What to say
- How to get them there
- What you need
Click here →
To This!
- What to offer
- Who to
- What to say
- How to get them there
- What you need
Let's Clear This!
- Where to start
- What to use
- Who to hire
- Which direction
- All there is to do
- What's possible
Click Here →
To Experience ...
CLARITY about:
- The next step
- The tools you need
- Trustworthy hires
- The path to take
- What's important
- Expectations
Let's Change This!
- Your own ability
- Your message
- Your offer
- The tech
- Hiring help
- Potential clients
Click here →
To Winning!
- Being enough for the task
- What you are going to say
- Testing your offer
- Unloading the tech
- Hiring possibilities
- Who your ideal client is
- What support you need
Hi, I'm Karen Trezona
         Founder of Walkabout Digital Designs.
A walkabout is a journey for an indefinite amount of time .... truly the life of an entrepreneur.
After "choking" my previous business trying to DO IT ALL,
my "walkabout" took me on a new path to help mission-minded businesses (coaches, consultants, leaders, visionaries) take their important messages to the world so that they can begin making their vision a reality by transforming lives.
Through my own business building adventure, (even though I got lost in the weeds for a while), I discovered a love for helping other business owners launch their dream.
My teaching, planning and collaborating background stepped into gear, helping me see the possibilities and pathways for helping others reach their goals.
No matter what our experience or expertise, seeing our own path clearly is challenging, even for the most seasoned entrepreneurs.
I love helping people cut through the clutter, create a clear path and build your online presence.

I've invested heavily to serve my clients well!
Everyday, I'm learning, networking and connecting with the best and most ethical online marketers in the world.
 I keep up with changes and continue to grow!

Here are some of the high level trainings I've done with industry experts (and there are more)!

Let's create a clear path and build your online presence
while you do the work YOU LONG TO DO!

This is a journey you DON'T want to take ALONE.
Successful online marketing is so much more than putting an offer, website or funnel out into the world.
If it was as easy as some people promote, everyone would be living the "life they desire". Do you agree?
There are so many crucial aspects to online success.
As my clients all say ....
"There is soooo much more to this than I ever imagined!"
Generally, we do not know what we do not know until we are well and truly on the journey, (growing debt, getting frustrated and wondering if we'll make it)!
After being on this crazy adventure myself, my goal is to ensure you have clarity and confidence to move forward successfully and launch your online presence in a way that
and takes your message to the world!
Karen is an absolute joy to work with.
I love how she is passionate about helping entrepreneurs get their story out into the world in a way that is authentic to them and that really reveals their heart. Anyone can build your online presence, but Karen really adds that important element of personality to her projects that can really help others hear the message you want to share. Becky J. Webb

Your Online Journey Mapped In A Day!
Blaze Your Trail
The Blaze Your Trail Marketing Intensive takes you on a guided journey of unlocking your offers to create astrategic plan. Ready to clarify your path and map out the marketing steps to make your dream a reality?Â

A Full Lead Funnel Built In A Day!
Fast Lead Launch
For a Fast Lead Launch, get your lead magnet system up and running within a day to start gathering leads. From opt in funnel to email delivery of a completed PDF and follow up. No more "round to its"! Done and working.

VIP Week
A Customized Web Presence Built In A Week!
Full Package Week
Your Online Home Base is an important representation of you and your brand. People are skeptical, (and rightly so). Are you trustworthy before they take the plunge? Let's present them with a site you're proud of, that's uniquely you.
Website- Blog- Lead Funnel- Course Area
PLEASE NOTE: To achieve FAST ACTION Launches, it's important to commit to gathering the information you will need to do before the VIP opportunity starts. If you have not done an intensive, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND this is where you start.
If you do not already have a proper marketing strategy laid out, our tailored solutions require a thorough planning session, called an Intensive, to lay a solid foundation and a clear map for the adventure you are about to embark on.
What Can You Expect With VIP Opportunities?
- Your project will receive my full attention (for a day or multiple days depending on the project size). I will be focused on getting the chosen project complete and launched fast.
- We start with a consult call to make sure we know your goals, needs and desires and set expectations.
- A date is set for the intensive which will provide you with clear instructions on all you need to start gathering.
- Once your day arrives (and you have provided all requirements) .... the day (or week) is TOTALLY yours to see your project complete.
Not Sure Which Is The Best Solution For You?
Or Perhaps You Have A Different Request.
Book a free consult call and we'll discuss your needs.
Just feeling overwhelmed with all your ideas? Let's get you UNSTUCK!
Step into being authenitically you, own your brand, and know your path with clarity. This will give you the confidence to overcome the obstacles on this online journey (and be among the ones who MAKE IT!)Â
Meet visionary people creating extraordinary impact by bravely stepping into their purpose while we help them take their message online.
I've had the privilege to WALK WITH these
Heart-Centered ADVENTURERS
They are taking others on their journey, sharing what their "WALK IS ABOUT"
With VIP Days, 1:1 Spots Are Limited So Take The First Step Soon.
if this is you
Tired of beating around the bush to build your online presence?Â
How can I help you move forward faster?
Get actionable, momentum-building possibilities perfectly paired with your current stage of business growth.

Building Your Online Business is just like going on a WALKABOUT!
In traditional Australian culture, a walkabout is a journey for an indefinite amount of time, even an adventure.
The digital journey (adventure) is both exciting and treacherous. There are ups and downs and it's not easy to do alone.
My desire is to help business owners like you, keep building their business without getting buried in the online marketing wilderness, trying to learn and do it all.
I'd love to go "walkabout with you".
Need a guided process of strategic planning to turn your dream into a reality.
The 5 Most Important Marketing Keys To Have Nailed ...
for a smoother journey! (or to help regroup if you are lost!)
Have questions? Send an e-mail to [email protected]